Nowadays, international academic relations among universities, and scientific and research centers is of special importance in the current world and has always been the driving force behind the growth, development and dynamism of the scientific atmosphere of these centers. Ease of communication and intercontinental travels, access to a variety of information sources using international information networks has brought the members of the global village closer together and, in effect, has made bilateral or multilateral cooperation an inevitable necessity. The International Academic Relations Department of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM), with its main purpose to enhance the level of cooperation of FUM with universities of foreign countries, has the following as its main goals:

Internationalization of university activities and programs as a strategic goal

Institutionalization of international relations as a necessity for FUM

This Department has so far signed more than 180 memorandums of understanding and scientific agreements with universities and institutes of higher education in more than 40 countries. The main subjects of the memorandums of understanding, which are generally or partially entered into, are as follows:

• Conducting joint research activities (including the exchange of faculty members and researchers)

• Participating in scientific seminars and meetings

• Exchanging educational materials and other scientific information

• Special short-term scientific programs and in some cases, holding common programs

• Exchanging students

• Other international scientific-research activities agreed upon by both universities

Scientific diplomacy of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad with universities of foreign countries

Ferdowsi University of Mashhad establishes academic relations with universities of foreign countries by using experienced professors among the faculty members of the university who are selected according to special criteria such as country of study, full acquaintance with the universities and institutes of higher education of each country and their language proficiency.




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