Dr. Sayyed Mohsen Fatemi, Ph.D

 University of British Columbia, Canada


Dr. Sayyed Mohsen Fatemi (PhD, University of British Columbia, 2003, postdoctoral researcher, Harvard University, 2009-2013) is a fellow in the department of psychology at Harvard University and works on mindfulness and its psychological implications for cross-cultural, clinical, and social psychology.
He is a frequently published author and has been the keynote speaker of numerous international conferences.
 His publications appear in Springer, Wiley, Cambridge University Press, and Oxford University Press, and Journals such as APA's Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology. His new book on psychology of language will be published by Routledge in New York, and he has new publications forthcoming with the American Psychiatric Association, Macmillan Palgrave, and Lexington. In addition to teaching at Harvard, he has taught psychology at the University of British Columbia, Western Washington University, University of Massachusetts in Boston, and University of Toronto. He brings mindfulness in his psychological and therapeutic interventions and has run training and coaching programs for clinicians, practitioners, and corporate people in North America, Europe, and abroad. He is presently working on the clinical implications of mindfulness for anxiety and stress management. Experience Adjunct Faculty Members York University Jul 2019 – Present10 months Toronto, Canada Area Associate Professor of Psychology Ferdowsi University of Mashhad-FUM Jul 2018 – Present1 year 10 months Mashhad - Conducting research on Langerian Mindfulness and its clinical and social implications.
- Running research projects on media psychology and cultural sociology
- Teaching graduate courses on clinical and counselling psychology and family therapy Fellow Harvard University Sep 2009 – Aug 2018    9 years Harvard Univesity Dr. Sayyed Mohsen Fatemi completed his postdoctoral studies in the department of psychology at Harvard University where he has also served as a Teaching Fellow, an Associate and a Fellow.
He works on mindfulness and its psychological implications for cross cultural, clinical and social psychology.

He is a frequently published author and has been the keynote speaker of numerous international conferences.

His publications appear in Springer, Wiley, Cambridge University... Lecturer The University of British Columbia
 Sep 2000 – Aug 2018  18 years Vancouver, Canada Area Lecturer Western Washington University
 Sep 2010 – Aug 2014  4 years Bellingham, Washington Area Lecturer University of Massachusetts Boston
 Sep 2013 – Dec 2013  4 months Greater Boston Area Lecturer University of Toronto
 Sep 2012 – Jun 2013  10 months Toronto, Canada Area Adjunct Faculty Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis Sep 2011 – Aug 2012   1 year Greater Boston Area Lecturer University of Phoenix
 Sep 2005 – Aug 2011  6 years Associate Professor University of Tehran
 Sep 2006 – Jun 2009   2 years 10 months Tehran Province, Iran Lecturer Iran University of Science and Technology
 Sep 2007 – Aug 2008  1 year Tehran Province, Iran Education

Harvard University Post Doctorate in PsychologySocial/cultural/clinical psychology 2009 – 2013

The University of British Columbia Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)  2000 – 2003

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