
 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM) in a collaboration with International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) offers 2+1 years funded Master positions in Physics. This program is supported by Physics Without Frontiers (PWF) in ICTP and provides Master scholarships for students from Afghanistan. Qualified candidates, especially women, are encouraged to apply.

  The Program’s Timeline:

The master program is 2+1 years and the students are expected to work full-time. The first three semesters will be coursework, and the rest will be focused on research. All students must submit a dissertation to the university based on their Master’s thesis to receive an MSc degree. The courses for each student depend on the student’s field. The deadline for applications is 2022/01/05 and the program is planned to start from the winter semester, February 2022.

 Fields of study:

Each student will work in one the following fields: "Astrophysics, Gravitation and Cosmology", "Particle Physics and String Theory" or "Quantum Information".



Funds and support:

According to the agreement, FUM waives the tuition fee for the successful applicants of the PWF program. Also, FUM guarantees to provide food and dormitory rooms (at a very low price) to the accepted students. In addition, the PWF students will have access to The Information Center and Central Library, Health Center, Sport Complexes etc., similar to other FUM students. Moreover, the PWF students could use the faculty of science's Sci-cluster for their computations. PWF supports the living expenses in Mashhad.


1. Bachelor's degree in Physics which should be signed by the Afganistan's government.

2. Bachelor's Transcript (copy of applicant's academic record).

3. CV, including the applicant's study background, examinations, jobs, responsibilities, etc.

4. Two letters of recommendation.

 All the documents should be provided in English or Farsi. Please send the required documents to the following email address: ">

 We hope to see you in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.

2000 طالب دولي
7000 متخرج دولي
470 نظام تصنيف لايدن
509 نظام تصنيف سايماغو
800 نظام تصنيف شنغهاي
800 نظام تصنيف تايمز