In order to support and strengthen the academic strength of international students of TAFTASH Union member universities, the first round of virtual training workshops for international students was run by the International Academic and Scientific Relations and International Students Affairs of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. The Workshop was free of charge and the participants were awarded a valid certificate. The event was well received by the international students in Iran, where specialized workshops were presented: SPSS software training and R software training by Dr. Hadi Jabbari Noghabi for 40 hours, proposal writing by Dr. Seyed Hadi Zarghani for 6 hours, and the how of publishing scientific articles in reputable journals and searching articles in authoritative scientific sources was presented by Dr. Aref Afshar Fard for 6 hours. The participants were international students from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, University of Tehran, University of Isfahan, University of Shiraz, University of Tabriz, in October and November of 2020.
First Round of Workshops for International Students of TAFTASH
- الزيارات: 663
2000 طالب دولي
7000 متخرج دولي
470 نظام تصنيف لايدن
509 نظام تصنيف سايماغو
800 نظام تصنيف شنغهاي
800 نظام تصنيف تايمز